アメリカ大使館イベント アメログ多摩Vol.26開催
《Poetry and Creative Writing》
“Creative writing”
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Brenden Bish
Brenden, also known as Balanc3, is an international poet and graduate of Western Connecticut State University. After graduating with a degree in English Literature, he returned to his hometown Bridgeport, Connecticut to work with high school students and mentor young adults. Brenden then moved to New Hampshire to serve as a volunteer for a National Non-Profit known as City Year for two years.
He has also lived in South America teaching English in Chile with the English Opens Doors Program. During this time, he was able to travel to several different countries to perform and share his poetry. After gaining four years of teaching experience both in and outside of the United States, Brenden has since moved to Gunma, Japan as a member of the JET program.
Now, he hopes to continue using his Poetry and Creative Writing to capture and share his experiences. By doing so, Brenden hopes to inspire and encourage others to express themselves and share their own stories.
開催日 2019年10月6日(日)
時間 15:30~18:00(15:15開場)
会場 NPO法人 Knox English Network
多摩市一ノ宮4-1-31 チェリーヒルズ203号
京王線聖蹟桜ヶ丘駅西口より徒歩4分 Tel 042-400-7205
email: event@knoxenglish.com
HP: https://www.knoxenglish.com
主催: NPO法人Knox English Network
協力 :中央大学
共催 :在日アメリカ大使館
中学生以上大学生まで 【参加費無料】
アメリカ文化に興味ある人、留学に興味がある人、英語を話したい人、英語の勉強を頑張りたい人などAmerica Dialogue Tamaは、英語を聞いたり話したりする場所を無料で提供することも目的の一つとしています。最初は英語が全部わからないのは当然!! まずは英語に気軽に触れてみることから始めてみませんか?