Knox English Network の理念
NPO法人 Knox English Network(ノックスイングリッシュネットワーク)は、そんな気持ちから『国際塾』としてスタートしました。
Knox English Networkは、各種英語クラス/セミナー、国際交流プログラムなど国際感覚を身につける機会を提供することにより、日本社会と日本人の国際化に貢献していきます。

The number of Japanese students that study abroad has continued to decline for multiple years. There is concern that the global presence of Japan and Japanese people are getting less influential due to the prolonged economic stagnation and population decline. Against this situation, our mission is ‘to increase the number of Japanese students who have the will to study abroad’.
Knox English Network would like to support people who wish to fly high over the world. Based on this philosophy, this organization was established in 2011.
We offer multiple programs, from English classes to exchange programs with American students.
By providing a wide range of support, we are committed to contributing to the globalization of Japan and the Japanese people by providing a wide range of support.